Finger Saber

Computer Vision Game

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Project description Augmented reality (AR) is the first thought of the direction of computer vision game comes in my mind. AR allows us to interact with visual object in the real-world environment. As a video game player, I believe the most interactive game must be the rhythm game. Therefore, my... [Read More]

Image Style Transfer

Use GANs to create art

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The ability to transmit style from one image to another is very valuable in the industry. For example, painting designs by artificial intelligence have created great financial value in the art market. It may also be used to manipulate the appearance and style of photos and movies. The application of... [Read More]

COVID-19 Detection

by X-ray on Lung

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Currently, we are living in a different world because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The effects of Covid-19 have been detrimental to the world and we are still reeling from it. Loss of innumerable lives, loss of livelihoods and damage to economies are some of the calamitous effects of the pandemic.... [Read More]
Tags: Covid-19